You Can’t Control Your Birth Plan; You CAN control Your Postpartum Plan

A new step-by-step holistic blueprint on how to lay a strong foundation as a new mama. 

(Say hello to radiant rest. Well, almost).

For expecting mamas ready to create a stress-free, supportive experience without feeling overwhelmed or isolated.

Picture this: you're excitedly searching online for information about postpartum care, but quickly find yourself overwhelmed by a sea of conflicting advice. 

Websites, forums, and articles all seem to offer different approaches. This course cuts through the noise, giving you a clear, practical roadmap built on the wisdom of Ayurveda and the experience of countless mamas. You'll feel confident and empowered, knowing you have the right tools to navigate this exciting new chapter.

imagine what it would be like…

…waking up (or sneaking in a few catnaps) and feeling prepared because you have a self-care routine that rejuvenates, and a community ready to assist. You take a few cleansing breaths and do a set of affirmations before you get out of bed. The thought of “What am I going to eat?” doesn’t even cross your mind. You don’t need to figure it out because your pantry has delicious, healthy meals that nourish your body, soul, and recovery. 

Like many expecting mothers, I felt confident going into postpartum. I had researched the basics and didn’t need a plan – I’ve got this. But the reality was overwhelming. I wished I had a clear roadmap, a supportive community, and tools specifically designed for postpartum recovery. I dove headfirst into the postpartum world & Ayurveda, found my passion, and knew I had to create this course for you. 




Mind Mapping & Vision Board – Learn how to use energetics and visualizations to create the perfect postpartum experience for you.


Creating Your Baseline – Discover holistic pillars for postpartum healing and the imbalances post-birth. 


The 42-Day Rejuvenation Plan: This is the process where you build your postpartum plan for the first (and most important phase) regardless of your birthing experience.

I know what you need, mama… You need a step-by-step process that leaves you feeling serene and in control. 

My superpower? Turning overwhelm into empowerment. My fusion of eastern, battle-tested modalities and the most simplistic, digestible content enables you to build a postpartum plan that you can control… and best of all, it fits you! This isn’t a cookie-cutter one-size-fits-all plan. It’s a tailored-to-you guide that I know works firsthand because all of my high-end clients have gone through it. I’m here to guide you every step of the way.


  • You’re in your third trimester and seek holistic, nurturing guidance
  • You’ve struggled with postpartum before and want to do it differently this time
  • You want a stress-free postpartum journey and value self-care
  • You can’t spend the money on a 24/7 postpartum doula, but you can learn from one through a DIY course.
  • You’re a birth worker looking to enhance your care toolkit


+ Have control over your postpartum journey, benefiting from filling your own take and fueling you for what’s to come.

+ Naturally, bring your body back to its natural rhythms without relying on medications. Let’s treat your body like you would treat your baby.


Picture this: It's the end of a long day. Your baby is finally asleep, and you have a precious window of quiet time. You remember the self-care practices you learned in the course, like creating a calming nighttime ritual. You breathe in lavender essential oil, put on some soothing music, and follow along with a guided meditation app. As you practice mindful breathing exercises, you feel the tension melt away from your shoulders. This moment of self-care rejuvenates you and equips you to be a more present and patient mama for your little one.


The Postpartum Blueprint

Which path will you choose? The path to depletion or the path to vitality? 

early bird price now!

This is for you if…

first time mama

You want to be in control of your postpartum plan (and even thinking about it makes you overwhelmed), so you're the best mama for yourself and your new baby.

birth worker

You're a birth worker looking to sharpen your toolkit and add more modalities to help your clients and spruce up your resume.

second time around

You've been through postpartum and want a better experience this time

This isn't for you if…

holistic remedies

You don't believe in holistic, eastern, traditional practices and remedies. 

quick fix

You want a quick fix, don't believe in creating time for self-care, and plan on the bounce-back body

time dedication

You aren't willing to dedicate time to putting your postpartum plan together

"I’m a longtime birth and postpartum worker and I can’t recommend this resource enough! It’s easy to use, comprehensive and steeped in ancient Ayurvedic wisdom, it is a must-have for new parents and perinatal support workers alike! The content is arranged beautifully and somehow manages to dish out everything you need to know to your replenish body, mind and spirit after birth. The recipe themselves are accessible regardless of your expertise in the kitchen - but don’t let their simplicity fool you, they pack a major nutritional (and delicious!) punch."


join now for one payment of $397 or two payments of $200

But, hold up a second, what’s in this course?

I'm so glad you asked. Here's What You Get… 


MODULE 1: Mind Mapping & Vision Board: Imagine laying out your hopes, worries, dreams, and the reality of postpartum life in a visual format that speaks to you.

  • Topics that are covered:
    • Mindset for your health and wellness
    • Uncovering your desires for a support system
    • Discovering your goals for this next journey

MODULE 2: What is Ayurveda: Learn the ancient Indian healing system (over 5,000 years old) that’s deeply rooted in the belief that health and wellness depend on a delicate balance between the mind, body, and spirit.

  • Topics Covered:
    • Learn how to not just treat symptoms, but create harmony and balance at the root of who you are
    • The Five Main Pillars of Ayurveda
    • Why Ayurveda is essential in Postpartum

MODULE 3: Understanding Doshas in Postpartum: Learn about the unique blend of energies that make up your blueprint.

  • Topics covered:
    • Vata – Movement & Communication
    • Pitta – Digestion & Transformation
    • Kapha – Cohesiveness, Structure & Lubrication

MODULE 4: The Four Pillars of Ayurvedic Postpartum Healing: This is the foundation to support rejuvenation and bringing balance back into the body.

  • Topics Covered:
    • Tools to guide you during the 42 days of postpartum and beyond
    • Step 1: Diet & Nourishment – Learn foods that cleanse, replenish, and repair the body.
    • Step 2: Herbs – Discover the vast herbs that are beneficial for postpartum
    • Step 3: Rest & Self-Care – remember, caring for yourself is not just a gift but also for your baby.
    • Step 4: Massage: Ayurvedic postpartum massage is a way to lovingly reconnect with your body again.

MODULE 5: Understanding Imbalances Post-Birth: Hormonal changes, the marathon of birth, and lack of food lead to imbalances and the goal is to see improvement.

  • Topics Covered:
    • Spotting the signs of Imbalances
    • Tools to restore balance postpartum
    • The Role Your Lifestyle Plays
    • When to Seek Help

MODULE 6: Postpartum Hairloss: Yes, this dreaded common concern among new mamas is real, often leading to stress and concern during an already challenging time.

  • Topics Covered:
    • Understanding Vata balance (flow of blood)
    • Discovering hormonal changes leading to hair loss
    • Ways to support hair loss recovery

MODULE 7: Create Your Village: You need a team and resources that make up your tribe for at least 2-3 weeks.

  • Topics Covered:
    • Research what your village can include
    • Map out the responsibilities
    • Create your cocoon at home

MODULE 8: Essential Checklists: The best time to get prepared is well in advance of your little one's arrival, and these checklists will ensure you have everything you need.

  • Topics Covered:
    • Foods to avoid that create imbalances
    • Invaluable kitchen items
    • Birthing room checklist
    • Postpartum self-care checklist
    • Postpartum Pantry Checklist
    • Postpartum Shopping List

MODULE 9: The 42-Day Rejuvenation Plan: The first 42 days after childbirth (aka. A Mother’s Sacred Window) is the most critical time for healing and bonding.

  • Topics Covered:
    • A week-by-week guide to your rejuvenation
    • C-Section Timelines
    • Self-reflection and care timelines

MODULE 10: C-Section & Ayurveda: Uncover specific recommendations for cesarean births and incorporating Eastern practices for faster recovery.

  • Topics Covered:
    • Dietary recommendations for healing
    • Herbal supplements that balance systems
    • Gentle body practices with massage and belly binding

MODULE 11: Additional Holistic Support: Discover small, mindful actions that make a huge difference in your recovery and long-term wellness.

  • Topics Covered:
    • Meditation and mindfulness
    • Reconnecting with your body & nature
    • Emotional and mental health support
    • Navigating common postpartum challenges

Courtney Lafourcade


Courtney Lafourcade is a certified postpartum doula, Ayurvedic expert, and holistic health coach who empowers new, modern mamas to take charge of their postpartum recovery through personalized care, Ayurvedic practices, and nurturing support. At Mothersource, we focus on helping mothers feel vibrant, strong, and emotionally balanced during this sacred transition.

Courtney offers a unique blend of traditional Ayurvedic meals, therapeutic practices, and natural remedies to support your body's natural healing process. From soothing abhyanga massages to tailored herbal remedies, Courtney ensures every mother receives the care she needs to thrive.

At Mothersource, we believe that while you can't control your birth plan, you can master your postpartum journey. By the end of your time with Courtney, you will feel empowered and supported, having embraced a nurturing and holistic approach to your postpartum recovery. Enjoy the benefits of a personalized care plan that addresses mood imbalances, anxiety, and physical depletion, allowing you to step into motherhood with confidence and grace.

Say goodbye to postpartum overwhelm and hello to a serene, empowering recovery. With Courtney's guidance, you will transform your postpartum experience, feeling supported and nurtured every step of the way. Welcome to a new chapter of motherhood, where your well-being is prioritized and your postpartum journey is one of holistic healing and empowerment. 


“I found Courtney when I was 11 months postpartum and I WISH I found her sooner. The course is invaluable regardless of what stage you're in – and would've been an absolute game changer for me a year ago. Plus, it would've saved me $35,000 on a night nurse who didn't offer an ounce of what this course does. I can't recommend it enough.”

Meredith littas desantos

Alleviate your anxiety and overwhelm with a step-by-step guide that prepares you for every aspect of postpartum life


Let’s talk FAQS

Is this course right for me if I’m not planning a natural birth?

Yes, the course focuses on postpartum recovery which is relevant regardless of birth type.

I don’t know much about Ayurveda. Will I still understand the course?

Yes, the course offers an introduction to Ayurveda and focuses on practical applications for postpartum healing.

how long does it take to complete the course? 

One hour per week is recommended but can be adjusted to your schedule.

Is there an expiry date to access the course materials?

No, you have lifetime access. 

How does the course address emotional and mental health challenges in postpartum? 

There are specific resources to spot any signs of postpartum depression and hotlines. 

Does this course prevent postpartum depression?

No, this course doesn't prevent postpartum depression, BUT it sets you up to be empowered and creates a foundation that assists in preventing it. 

Here are a few major points:

Reduced Risk of Long-Term Complications: Proper healing during this time can decrease the risk of future health problems like pelvic floor issues or postpartum depression.

Stronger Bond with Baby: When you're well-rested and supported, you'll be better able to bond with your baby and enjoy those precious early moments.

Increased Confidence as a Parent: By prioritizing your own well-being, you'll feel more prepared and confident in caring for your newborn.

Why are the first 42 days important? 

The first 42 days after childbirth, also sometimes referred to as the "golden period" or "fourth trimester," are crucial for several reasons:

Physical Recovery: Your body has undergone a major transformation during pregnancy and childbirth. The first 42 days are a critical time for your body to heal from childbirth injuries, regulate hormones, and shrink your uterus back to its pre-pregnancy size.

Emotional Wellbeing: New parents often experience a rollercoaster of emotions during this time. This period is important for adjusting to parenthood, bonding with your baby, and managing potential postpartum depression or anxiety.

Breastfeeding Establishment: If you plan to breastfeed, the first 42 days are a crucial time for establishing a successful breastfeeding routine. Your milk supply is regulated, and your baby is learning to latch and feed effectively.

Building a Routine: This period is a time to establish healthy sleep patterns for both you and your baby. You'll also figure out feeding schedules, diaper changes, and other newborn care routines.

Building a Support System: The first 42 days can overwhelm new parents. This period is a time to lean on your partner, family, and friends for support with meals, errands, and childcare.

Did I mention the icing on the cake?

early birds get monthly zoom support aftewards

Those who sign up in the first two weeks recieve monthly zoom support with Courtney and a private Facebook group to connect and feel seen.

Ready to design your dream postpartum plan?